J.C. Roy and Mukti Roy Memorial Gold Medal
This gold medal is In loving memory of Kunal Roy’s parents, who always valued academic excellence and higher education throughout for everyone in the family. Their ideals, love and sacrifices have been guiding light and inspiration to be in their footsteps.This endowment is funded by alumnas, of Indian Institute of Science, Kunal Kanti Roy and his wife Neelam Roy to recognize achievements of IISc students in science and technology.
The endowment will fund in perpetuity Gold Medal award for MTech during the convocation ceremony every year.
Gold Medal for MTech in Quantum Technologies – Dept. of Instrumentation & Applied Physics (IAP) – to be awarded annually. This medal will be awarded to the MTech student scoring the highest CGPA in the Quantum Technology Program, as per Institute norms.

About Mr J.C. Roy
J.C. Roy (1911-1990) was born in Mymensingh, now in Bangladesh. There he did his BA in English from the same school as Nirad Chaudhuri, an internationally acclaimed English literature author. He went to Calcutta and then to Kanpur before the partition of India. He started his business as a distributor of Bengal Lamps in the whole province of U.P. Bengal Electric Lamp works was a new start up company based in Calcutta. He succeeded in his early struggles to establish his family and business in Kanpur. In time, along with his many business colleagues, he successfully made Bengal Lamps one of the largest electric bulb company in India.
Later, he started Shantashree Rubber Industry, producer of industrial rubber beltings. During his life, he supported his siblings’ families to emigrate (after partition) and provided lifetime support to them to settle themselves in Calcutta. He was a voracious reader of English and Bengali literature with profound knowledge of world affairs. He valued education utmost. His social and charity work also was felt by many in Kanpur.

About Mukti Roy
Mukti Roy (1920-2012) was born in Sylhet, now in Bangladesh. She was married at a very early age. She was the glue of the Roy family, which was held together with warmth and love.