Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

The awards ceremony for the 2023 Prof Satish Dhawan Research Award was held at the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, IISc  on February 6, 2024.

Siddharth Asokan has been awarded the Prof Satish Dhawan Research Award 2023 for his significant contributions relating generative adversarial networks and diffusion models to high-dimension interpolation, Fourier approximations, and partial differential equations in very large dimensional space.

The Prof Satish Dhawan Research Award is awarded to the most impactful research carried out in the area of advanced computer and communication systems with a focus on developing countries.

The award is open to all researchers working on hardware and/or software/algorithms in areas including, but not limited to, improved connectivity and efficient digital delivery of services, IoT networks and devices, and signal/image processing. Students and researchers from the CSA, ECE, EE, ESE, CDS, RBCCPS, and CENSE departments are eligible.

The award was instituted by alumnus Swapnesh Banerjee (M.E. (Electrical Engineering), 1998).