Pratibhodh Foundation Fellowship for Women Students
Pratibhodh Foundation • UG BS • Ongoing

Pratibodh Foundation supported the establishment of one women fellowship for undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor of Science (Research) program at IISc. This scholarship will enable to add supernumerary seats for women students in the prestigious IISc UG program.
The fellowship aims to encourage women in Science and Technology by awarding undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor of Science (Research) program at IISc and address the problem of gender imbalance in the higher education space.
- Fellowship given to one woman student in the BS Research UG Program
- Based on Highest rank in Entrance Exam/Highest TGPA in First-term or semester
- Fellowship amount of Rs 7000 per month
- Travel & Other Contingencies (Per Annum): Rs 28,000/-
Pratibodh Foundation

Pratibodh Foundation is a ‘not-for-profit’ company registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. The objective of the Foundation is finding avenues and resources for bright students from the disadvantaged socio-economic, marginalized, and discriminated communities and groups who have shown excellence and a fervent desire to achieve their dream of pursuing college education and higher studies in reputed institutions of learning and research. On a broader front, Pratibodh Foundation aims to promote advocacy for inclusive, non-discriminatory, equal opportunity and access, multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary education with excellence and social purpose.
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