Dr Rajan Varadarajan MTech Top Up Fellowships
Dr Rajan Varadarajan • DoMS & ECE • Ongoing

The Dr Rajan Varadarajan M Tech Top Up Fellowships have been established by Dr Rajan Varadarajan (IISc Alumna, BE degree in Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE), 1971) to encourage highly talented students to pursue their research. Two fellowships have been initiated – one in the Department of Management Studies and one in the ECE Department.
- Awarded to two MTech students in Department of Management Studies and one in the ECE Department.
- Monthly fellowship of Rs 12,400 in addition to MoE fellowship
- Laptop & Other Contingencies: Rs 1,17,000/- (Per Annum)
Dr Rajan Varadarajan

Dr. Rajan Varadarajan graduated from IISc Bangalore with a B.E. degree in Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) in 1971. Following his graduation from IISc., he received his M. Tech in Industrial Management from IIT Madras, and Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Dr. Rajan Varadarajan is currently University Distinguished Professor and Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Regents Professor, and holder of the Brandon C. Coleman, Jr. ’78 Endowed Chair in Marketing in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. His primary teaching and research interests are marketing strategy, innovation, and issues at the intersection of marketing, innovation and environmental sustainability. He has published over 125 journal articles and book chapters, and made over 250 presentations at major national and international conferences, doctoral and faculty consortia, universities, and other forums.
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